Creating awareness are critical in arriving at a defensible position.Employees in certain high-risk positions need an in-depth understanding of lawful basis for processing personal data, dealing with Subject Access Requests and data protection impact assessments.
Therefore, we are committed to providing high-quality and customised training to company staff regarding data protection and data security. We provide education at every level, in the workplace, virtually, and in the classroom to ensure that staff training is efficiently achieved. Our training services include;
We provide tailored eLearning and workshop sessions to introduce staff to data privacy, information security and compliance requirements to create awareness of their responsibilities concerning personal data protection.
We ensure that senior leadership is made aware of their statutory responsibilities, duties of care and data protection responsibilities.
We focus on key employees such as heads of departments and employees who process or have access to sensitive information to be trained to make good decisions, act appropriately, avoid non-compliance, and actively avoid breach incidents from occurring.